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Celebrating the Legacy of St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier: A Day of Joy and Reflection

On April 24, 2024, the Good Shepherd Convent in Mysore came alive with a spirit of celebration and reverence. The occasion? The feast day of St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, founder of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd. This annual event holds deep significance for the Good Shepherd family worldwide, and Mysore's celebration was a testament to the enduring impact of St. Mary Euphrasia's vision.
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Orange Day Mysore
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Mysore Community Update Report 2023

Good Shepherd Convent, Mysore was established in the year 1878 with a school, an orphanage (St. Anthony’s Home) and a rehabilitation centre for girls in danger needing protection. We, the good Shepherd Sisters continue to make the ideal of our Foundress a living in our world – wide mission of education and re- education both formal and non formal in diverse cultures. Her favourite maxim was that we should form strong characters of high principles grounded in truth.
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Mission Partnership Project : Eye Camp Feb 2023

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others”
The eyes are the reflection of our spirits.
It is indeed a great privilege to report that the Partners in Mission from Mysuru Unit had organized an eye camp for all the pupils and staff.
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Mission Partnership Journey
Our Journey with the Good Shepherd Sisters in Partnership for Mission

As St Mary Euphraisa said “ A person may raise to the highest degree of contemplation even when busily occupied” Exactly all are busy in their Schedule no one is bothered what is happening around them. But Partners in mission got an opportunity to reach out to the people who are in need. It is like God given opportunity for us as Partners in Mission
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After every storm, there is calmness and after every war, there is peace. So also when there is hard work and tribulation, there is a happy ending. We were like any other ordinary people before we became the Partners in Mission. Selfishness, self centeredness, egoistic approach was part of our lives. Since, we were also in bad situation of life and work, never felt the pinch
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Formation Program

To be a Religious is a beautiful and radical response to embrace a way of life which requires ‘formation’, the process by which one is gradually trained to develop the aptitude and skills necessary for this life. Much importance is given for formation in developing Good Shepherd Spirit with the awareness of our mission of zeal which calls us to be involved in the church
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Continuing Formation

Since our religious vocation is a call which is always actual, we seek to further our formation individually and as a community. The province leader and councils ensure that sisters receive continuing formation to the different stages of life. Our young perpetually professed sisters had two days meeting in the month of October in Good Shepherd Convent Bangalore.
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Christmas Celebration

Amid all the many problems of our time, hope prevails, “for to us a child is born” (Is 9:6). He is the word of God, who became an infant, capable only of crying, and in need of help for everything. – Pope Francis
Christmas Celebration (2021) with Well wishers, mission partners, benefactors
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Regular and sustained involvement in a range of activities at various villages has made significant impact and contribution to rural development. Responding to the invitation from the Bishop of Bellary, the SW Province was able to open a new foundation at Chikkahesaruruu to cater to the pastoral and educational needs of the people in the village.
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Meetings Organised in the Year 2021

For a holistic approach to the growth & development of the varied ministries of the province with a focus on having regular sharing and follow ups on animating, developing skills and capacities of members for better participation and impact on life in communities and in our ministries, several meetings were organized during the year.
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Christmas Outreach Programme

SOUTH WEST INDIA, MYSURU, Good Shepherd Convent
“Christmas is all about giving.” We fully endorse the truth in this statement. Giving is an act of love. The joy of being able to bless and give someone you care, and to make them smile, is priceless. Although Christmas is a festivity for the entire family, children play an important role in it.
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St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier's Birthday Celebration 2019

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Christmas Celebration

Christmas celebration 2018 Good Shepherd Convent Mysuru.
Christmas celebration of Play home, Orphanage St. Anthony Boarding and Our Lady's home. Read More

Report Of Rally And Awareness Programme On Anti Human Trafficking

27th October 2018
Don Bosco Makkalalaya and Oasis India, Bangalore in collaboration with Good Shepherd Convent Composite P.U. College, Mysore, organized a rally and street play on 27th October 2018 in Mysore city. This was done in an attempt to spread awareness on various aspects of human trafficking... Read More

International Day of the girl Child 2018

11th October 2018
The international day of the Girl child was celebrated on 11.10.2018. It gave us an opportunity to raise awareness of the different types of discrimination and abuse that many girls around the world suffer from. It also brought about the importance of girls’ right to equal education and ... Read More

Foundress Day Celebration, 2018

31st July 2018
GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL, MYSORE: On the occasion of the Foundress day celebration of St. Mary Euphrasia on 31st July 2018 various programmes were held in the campus. Celebration was started with a prayer service by our sisters & the Lay mission partners... Read More