

Arise and go on your journey…

We the Good Shepherd Sisters celebrated the 228th birth anniversary of our Foundress St.Mary Euphrasia Pelletier being born on the feast of St.Ignatius of Loyola who imbibed his true spirit to live Christ and share Christ, urging her daughters “ my dear daughters go to the furthest end of the world and pitch your tent where there are souls to be saved”.

Eight of our Novices on this great feast day offered themselves, promising to live the evangelical counsels in the footsteps of St.John Eudes and St.Mary Euphrasia Pelletier with the profound zeal.

With these following words the eight of the Novices set tone for the celebration “ We her daughters gathered at the altar of God with the same spirit reflecting on the theme “Arise and go on your journey…” For God's love has an attractive force stronger than the gravity of norms or conventions. Once we know Him, we are to "arise and go" for Him and to serve Him with Gladness (Psalm 100:2), in His Power and for His Glory.

“Arise, go on your journey…”; “Be valiant! Wake up! You are being called” (Mk. 10:49). It is a verb that indicates the “haste” of Mary, who set forth without delay…. It is a paschal verb…a verb of love. Like Mary of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene, we too are invited to arise and set forth, moved by love.

To set forth with the daring, with resourcefulness and creativity that characterized the life of St.Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, “humble, silent, tireless, always vigilant to respond to the signs of the times.”

To set forth from the narrow boundaries to embrace the Congregation in its entirety and globally, to nourish the culture of encounter, Justice and transformation.

In the words of Pope Francis, “Let us go forth, then, with renewed zeal and commitment, bringing the light of Christ to all people, and fulfilling our mission to be witnesses of His love and mercy.”

The religious profession was witnessed by the parents of the newly professed, Lay partners and sisters of the Good Shepherd, presided over by Fr. Jose Koyickal SDB.

First time in the history of the Indian Province we had the two province Leaders Srs. Lissy Chacko and Pushpa Louis, of South West India and Central East India Nepal province being present on this joyous occasion. We are grateful to both the Leadership Teams for their constant support and guidance.

After the Eucharistic celebration we had the felicitation of our Newly professed followed by breakfast.

We thank the Lord for our eight sisters who had the courage to say yes to Jesus the Good Shepherd. The parents too were extremely grateful as well as joyful to see their daughter’s day of commitment. We wish God’s Blessings upon our newly professed as they begin their new life in various communities.