Inspiring Youth: St. Mary Euphrasia Vocation Camp in Kannara


The Thrissur community recently hosted an enriching two-day vocation camp in celebration of St. Mary Euphrasia's feast. From April 22nd to 24th, young girls in grades 8 through 12 gathered at Kannara for an unforgettable experience of faith, fellowship, and personal growth.

An Exciting Journey of Learning and Discovery
The camp offered a diverse array of activities designed to nurture the mind, body, and spirit:

Faith Formation : Engaging classes on spiritual development
Ecological Awareness : Exploring our responsibility to care for the environment
Values Education : Instilling important life principles
Inspirational Saints : Short video presentations on the lives of remarkable holy figures
Holistic Wellness : Invigorating yoga sessions to promote physical and mental balance
Team Building : Fun-filled games and recreational activities
Public Speaking : "Pick and Speak" exercises to boost confidence and communication skills

Honoring St. Mary Euphrasia's Legacy
A highlight of the camp was the exploration of St. Mary Euphrasia's life story and the mission she inspired. Through captivating video clips, participants gained a deeper understanding of her enduring impact and the important work carried on in her name.

A Joyful Conclusion
The camp culminated in a beautiful Eucharistic celebration on the morning of April 24th. Sisters, young participants, and mission partners came together in prayer and thanksgiving. Following the Mass, all enjoyed a festive agape meal, strengthening the bonds of community formed during the camp.

Lasting Impressions
The young attendees expressed their delight in the entire experience, cherishing the time spent with the sisters and their peers. This immersive program provided a unique opportunity for spiritual reflection, personal development, and the forging of new friendships.

Sr Rosily and her fellow sisters extend their heartfelt gratitude to all who made this vocation camp a resounding success. May the seeds planted during these days continue to blossom in the hearts of these young women, inspiring them to live lives of faith, compassion, and service.